Tri-Valley Tax CPA with offices in San Ramon and Walnut Creek, providing Year-Round, Tax Return Preparation, Sales Tax, IRS Defense, Tax Planning and IRS Resilient Accounting and Record Keeping Services to Individuals, Trusts, Non-residence and Businesses. Providing High Quality, Reliable and Reasonably Priced CPA Services.
A CPA Provides Judgment and Experience that is Documented
It’s very difficult to find a good tax person. On what criterion do you make the judgment? CPA’s are required to have a great deal more education and documented experience than any other designation. Further, the State administered exam a CPA must pass and the annual education requirements to keep a CPA license current is certainly a sign that a CPA is committed to the trade. Add to this two graduate degrees in tax and business certainly show more commitment to the trade than others, but how do you know I’m the right tax person for you? The best way to know is to call and talk to me. Tell me about your situation and after we’ve spoken, I’m confident you’ll know you’ve found a great tax guy.
The IRS is Always Watching
You never know when the IRS or the FTB will come knocking demanding records, which can be an ordeal even if you have nothing to hide. Why stand alone? Given the tax code is over 4 million words and the IRS tax regulations that interpret the code are easily 3 times that, it’s really difficult for the average person to efficiently and correctly do a tax return. The tax code is full of “terms of art”, though they are English do not mean what common usage would generally dictate. It’s not what you know that gets you audited; it’s what you don’t know.
Isn’t There Something You’d Rather be Doing than Wondering about your Taxes?
With me there is no guess work. Every position I take will be documented and supportable. If you own your own business or do stock trades or have real estate investments, these are widely considered to be red flags for audit. What is your time worth and why add stress to your life? Let a professional handle it and know it’s done right.
I’m Here For You All Year-Round; Answering Financial Life Questions; Lowering Stress
Tax time doesn’t need to be a stressful time for you. As your year-round CPA, I’m available anytime to discuss and help you with the complexities of financial life. When you hire me to do your taxes what you are doing is hiring a year-round sounding board for all your financial questions pertaining to tax. I’m available all year long to field questions and offer advice. I can research a subject for you and provide the type of backup that is audit resilient. I’ll minimize your stress and save you time and most likely money, by providing consistent, accurate and reliable service. While you’re out enjoying yourself, I’ll be doing your taxes. That’s a good trade, isn’t it?
Creating a Better Tax Situation for You and Your Family
Please explore my web-site for more information or just send in a Free Consultation request and we can talk over the telephone or get together at your place or mine to talk about your tax situation in more detail. Have Notebook. Will Travel.